Невыдуманные рассказы из моей жизни в Чикаго (и не только), различные рассуждения и наблюдения, немного компьютерных разговоров, совсем чуть-чуть политики и порой немного юмора. Подкаст выходит с июля 2005 года.
Пиратские записи послешоу подкаста Радио-Т. Ведущие и гости оттягиваются на полную катушку и развлекаются без всякой заданной темы
Разнообразные программы, библиотеки и прочие системы доступные всем и совершенно безвозмедно, т.е. даром.
Remark42 is a self-hosted, lightweight, and simple (yet functional) commenting system, which doesn't spy on users. It can be embedded into blogs, articles or any other place where readers add comments.
SafeSecret is a simple service made for a single purpose: sharing confidential information in an easy, quick and secure way. Think of it as writing a paper note, letting someone read it, then burning it. Simply type or paste any text into SafeSecret, define for how long you’d like the information to be accessible, and create a 5-digit PIN. Then, copy the link generated by SafeSecret and share it with someone in any way you’d like. Once the link is opened with the input of your 5-digit PIN, it can never be opened or seen again — the information self-destructs without a trace.
The service publishes RSS updates to twitter. The reason is simple - I needed self-hosted thingy to post tweets on a feed change for my sites (podcasts and blogs). Tried several "cloud services" for this and lately switched to IFTTT. It worked, but slow and unreliable.
Pulls multiple podcast feeds (RSS) and republishes as a common feed, properly sorted and podcast-client friendly. Optionally posts the new items to telegram's channel.
Logging server, agent and CLI client for dockerized infrastructure.
Simple nginx image (alpine based) with integrated Let's Encrypt support.
Minimalist docker base image to build and deploy my services and applications
Libraries (packages) for go applications.
CLI cron replacement and scheduler container
This service redirects incoming GET and HEAD requests (with 302) to the upstream servers. Servers picked up randomly, unhealthy boxes excluded dynamically.
Reproxy is a simple edge HTTP(s) server / reverse proxy supporting various providers (docker, static, file). One or more providers supply information about the requested server, requested URL, destination URL, and health check URL. It is distributed as a single binary or as a docker container.
Бот слушает чат Telegram и реагирует на определенные команды и фрагменты текста. Кроме этого, он слушает API новостей и публикует в Telegram сообщения о начале выпуска и смене тем. С ботом можно общаться тет-а-тет, не засорая общий чат. В режиме экспортирования сохраняет лог сообщений в HTML файл.